got a sushi mat, and a pt 100 Casio. pretty pumped on both. $2 or less! boyaah were looking into modding it too. I also made a big commitment the other day. also pumped on that. I'll show you when they arrive.
Found this track on pigeons and planes today and it was quite surprising to hear "Born into this" by Bukowski, one great American poet and novelist, followed by some verses by DOOM. It's weird that people have started sampling from 50s poets, crazy to think what's next.. anyhow it's a good song and you can download it from the link above if you think it's good..
Paco Garcia came and paid a visit. We skied a bit and enjoyed what the nights in salt lake have to offer. I talked to him about visiting him in Lyon this summer, apparently there are really good concerts and underground shows going on all the time. Here's a video.
Found a set of good videos put out by Yours Truly featuring Cut Copy and Wavves on tour filmed, edited, and uploaded for all the "interwebbers" to enjoy. This is a good one of an interview with the members of WAVVES.
so i went to pocatello a few days ago and since then i have been taking it real easy.
I watched an interview my bro Dave put on his facebook, and from that I trailed off and got a hold of the movie Stop Making Sense Its a movie of a concert the Talking Heads did in 1984, here's a video from the concert, and it is spot on!
Got broke off yesterday at Brighton with the SURFACE crew, I bent a ski pole in half on my face. No biggie.. But we had a good time regardless and Blake was killing a cliff line in rock gardens! Hennie was filming, and Ian was there taking photos.
Rad times.
Also Jay @ Surface made a wallpaper for your desktop. There's a few you can choose from, expect to see more soon.
I took a trip to Colorado in Janurary with the Surface guys and met with Hennie. The trip was for Walks Of Life and sent us through Breckenridge and Keystone for a day of riding at each resort. Thanks to Trevor for making the trip possible, and Mike for getting a hotel room and buying the good $1 tacos.
While I was out in Vegas I got to meet up with Josh at Bern and he seemed like a cool dude, what I liked more then Josh was the Helmets. Bern is coming out with some rad shit next year, I'm real stoked.
I normally don't ski with a helmet, but after taking a few slams recently I'm glad I started wearing one.