Ian, Sam, and I decided to take a weekend party night off to play in the streets of Ogden, the night before was good and dramatic enough for our weekend. I showed up at the Downington house late, like 12 o'clock, to find Ian watching
Gonzo, a great movie detailing Hunter S. Thompson's work in journalism during the election campaign in
'72, drug culture, and the general footprint he left for the rest of us to wonder "what now? where do we go from here?"
We finished that and took off for Ogden at quarter til 1 and talked about Thompson's decision to commit suicide, the movie ends with one of his friends recalling on how poignant he could have been and how much of an influence he
could have made in the elections of 2000 and 2004, seeing how we were facing pretty much the same evils then as we were in 1972. I feel that the lifestyle that Thompson led made his death somewhat glorifying, and all artists work becomes more appreciated after his death and I feel Thompson is no exception to that. His words on the '72 campaign are just as true in regards to the evils of politics. I think he would have been proud of the '08 campaign, and in some ways he could have attributed to result in some way or another.
After some discussion and jamming out to tracks like Shambala, Celia, and some Zeppelin on 94.1 and 103.5 we showed up to this sweet spot that didn't have nearly enough snow to even think about hitting, so we poked around and found a cool Hip/Urban step down to get tricky on. After a long setup a cop rolled into the alley we were at with a look of confusion on his face. He was a younger cop and didn't seem like he cared what we were doing. I told him what we were doing where we were taking off from where we were landing and he seemed even more confused. "Okay" he said "Just don't want to come back with your head split open" which he didn't have to do lucky for both our sakes. So he took off and we spent the next two hours hitting the hip until we got the right shot.. almost jumped on Ian who was planted 5 feet away from where i was landing with his
fisheye.Once we finished up at the spot it was just about 6 a.m. which is an awesome time to get done with a night shoot right? right..
We drove back and the jams weren't coming as hard, mostly cause I was to tired to worry about radio surfing and more concerned with driving back. Check the
Surface Lab for some nice photos from last night and previous nights...